Sunday, February 21, 2010


Ooops, they don't make beds the way they used to hee hee hee. Well ya see I was bored and Prudence was having a kip, Logan was busy and Jaro wasn't looking soooooooooooooo the bed bought it :-)
Ma said that when she has finished packing my bags (summit about going back to the breeder) she is taking me down to the bus stop. What ma doesn't know is that Pru was sleeping on the bed at the time and when I started to pull it from under her she pulled back so it wasn't all my fault. Unfortunately I was caught with the evidence in my mouth, on my legs and in my coat . Pru by that time was pretending to be asleep elsewhere, swear I heard her sniggering at likkle me.
It snowed here last night and when we went for a walk today we had great fun chasing each other through it. Neiver me or me da have koffed for the last week so ma saiz we are getting much better. Just as well as Uncle Logan is due to compete in the Irish World Cup Obedience Team (with ma) at Crufts next month. Wish I was going wiv dem, I heard ma telling Logan all about it.
When I get grown up I hope to get to Crufts.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm Persona non grata

I've got kennel koff, which is reeelie weird as I have never heard my kennl koff so I don't know how I caught it. Until I have been free of coughing for 2 weeks ma says neiver me or the others are allowed to go to any dog shows or training. Not fair, we have missed an Obedience show already and it was to be my first. Ma says although people and dogs like to be given things I wouldn't be popular if I gave my kennel koff away. There are some compensations though, I get a teaspoon of honey twice a day and natural yogurt. Me da, Jaro, had to get in on the act and he got the koff as well but wasn't as bad as mine (he stopped koffing last week) so I get more honey and yogurt hee hee hee.
Vet says I have only got to have short walks, no more than 45 minutes a day - HELLO I have a koff, none of my legs are effected!!!!
I try to pretend I am iller than I reeelie I am but when there is a toy around I forget myself and have a great game. Ma said that if she had meant to put the toys in with the dishwasher she would have put them there herself - she said my help is NOT needed (funny how she raised her voice when she said not)
Spose I better go to bed now as I intend to have a busy day tomorrow. It will be on a need to know basis - when ma needs to know she will find out ha h ha ha.
Byeeeeeeeeeee koff koff - any chance of some honey ma?

Monday, January 25, 2010

During the snow I cut my likkle paw on glass and ended up getting stitches. Thankfully it's almost healed up now cos I am worn out taking off the bandage Ma puts on my paw every day. It's very tiring wrestling with it cos she puts in on reeelie well. Yesterday I fell off the princess bed (Prudence's wrought iron dog bed which I get on to annoy her hee hee hee) tugging the bandage off. Everyone larfed at me (even though they assurred me they were larfing with me). I have forgiven them all cos today we went to the beach and had a great time running in the water. I jumped up on Ma more than once (revenge - who moi?) and got her just as wet - and yes I larfed at her hee hee hee.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Naughti step

What's a nauti step? Ma was telling me that I was going to have to sit on it. I can't understand why she said I was nati cos she was laughing as she told me. Aparently the bandage on my leg was meant to be kept on. Well I didn't know that, I had such great fun rolling on my back while I grabbed the bandage, pulled it off and then to make sure it couldn't fight back I drowned it in my drinking bowl - sorted :-)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Welcome to Ryac's World

Greetings from Ryac's World. Hi my name is Ryac and I am a pedigree border collie, just over one year old. I live with my dad Jaro, my uncle, Logan and Prudence, a terrorist. Must not forget to mention my human ma Julie. She loves us all and is very very good to us - well she spoils us reeeelie but she pretends she doesn't.
I know the scene behind me looks like a prison but it isn't, honest. The picture had to be taken here cos it was the only place I would sit still long enough ha ha ha